Saturday, April 25, 2009

Uploaded 41 documents of published reports in one place

I don't have it organized yet, but this is a good portion of the research library I've been using to try to track what's happening with EPSDT and its federal-promised funding. EPSDT guarantees the funding to keep our children with disabilities at home with us, in our communities, based on the need of the child. So why isn't everyone getting what their children need? And what is happening with these federally guaranteed funds given all the medicaid spending cuts states are rushing through in advance of receiving their federal stimulus funds. What is happening with the money for our children's medical needs?

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing resource! Thank you for pulling it together in one place.


About Me

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I'm the mom of a child with disabilities. Hannah's first neurologist said she might never develop beyond the level of a 2 month old infant, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. The brain damage was just too severe. Nine years later, she walks, uses a touchscreen computer and I've just been shown she can learn to construct sentences and do simple math with the right piece of technology. Along the way, I discovered I needed to teach myself what Hannah's rights to services really were. Learning about early intervention services led to reading about IDEA and then to EPSDT. I've been waiting for the Obama administration to realize the power and potential of EPSDT for the medical rights - including the right to stay at home with their families - of children with disabilities. The health reform people talk about long term care, and the disability people talk about education and employment, but nobody is talking about EPSDT. So I am.